A Section 173 Agreement is a legally binding contract between a landowner and the local council that sets out conditions or restrictions on the use or development of land. These agreements can be complex, often involving specific requirements related to overlays, zoning, and land use regulations.

While they can be intimidating at first, Section 173 Agreements are often used in the local area to ensure that certain conditions are met, such as maintaining vegetation, protecting heritage features, or adhering to bushfire management requirements. These agreements are registered on the title of the property and must be complied with by current and future landowners.

At Halo Constructions, we have extensive experience in navigating and managing the complexities of Section 173 Agreements. Our team works closely and efficiently with consultants, experts and local councils to fully understand the specific requirements and conditions outlined in the agreement. We ensure that all aspects of your project comply with these conditions, minimizing potential delays and legal issues and working towards a smooth and compliant building process, allowing you to focus on the excitement of creating your dream home without the stress of navigating legal obligations.